Receive: "Add Profile Failure: Invalid Profile XML" error when adding WWAN profile - Windows 7
I'm trying to import below XML profile to Windows 7 machine and no matter what profile i use (even the one it was on that computer originally it gives me an error. Command: netsh mbn add profile interface="Mobile Broadband Connection" name="test.xml" test.xml is in c:\temp folder. <MBNProfile xmlns=""> <Name>TestProfile</Name> <IsDefault>true</IsDefault> <ProfileCreationType>UserProvisioned</ProfileCreationType> <SubscriberID>01.........................00000</SubscriberID> <SimIccID>89480............9713302</SimIccID> <HomeProviderName>02</HomeProviderName> <AutoConnectOnInternet>true</AutoConnectOnInternet> <ConnectionMode>manual</ConnectionMode> <Context> <AccessString>Internet</AccessString> <Compression>DISABLE</Compression> <AuthProtocol>NONE</AuthProtocol> </Context> </MBNProfile> Tried these steps: - configured the setting using UI and test connection - it worked. - copied that profile from path: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\WwanSvc\Profiles to c:\temp and renamed it to test.xml - closed the connection and run command: netsh mbn delete profile interface="Mobile Broadband Connection" name=TestProfile - and then tried to add the profile under changed name (no profile changes made): netsh mbn add profile interface="Mobile Broadband Connection" name="test.xml" - received very nice message: Add Profile Failure: Invalid Profile XML I'm stuck, help?
May 24th, 2011 10:15pm

I am receiving exactly the same error: Add Profile Failure: Invalid Profile XML First I thought it was something that had changed on the Service Provider network or the SIM card but the problem stays with the Windows 7 machine, even when I swap the SIM. We deploy an SOE to a fleet of Lenovo laptops with a mix of Ericsson and Qualcomm WWAN cards. Both worked great with this method of deploying the WWAN profile for 12+ months. In the past month or two, we now get this error when running the command: netsh mbn add profile interface="Mobile Broadband Connection" name="mynewprofile.xml" Please help!
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May 25th, 2011 9:06am

Hey, Got an answer. It required some debugging, but I end up finding it. When you add that profile, system executes a function which compares Subscription ID tag with the one it has in system already. If one is already there then overwrites the profile, if NULL adds the profile. Problem is, as soon as any of the profiles are configured manually to redistribute later, the Subscription ID tag is encoded. And window doesn't know how to decode it, so it fires an error. The Subscription tag is an IMSI number, when you right click it on your connection and go to properties, you will see it there, 15 digits. Copy it and paste it to the XML file replacing encoded number. It works as a charm. I leave deployment methods to you... :) Not so happy to answer my own question, but what a heck... glad to help even one person :)
June 3rd, 2011 1:29pm

Hey, thanks for coming back and sharing your findings with me and anybody else having this problem who should come across this posting. This one was really starting to annoy me so very grateful for your fix although I'm not sure how we're going to deploy it yet. Great troubleshooting, thanks again :)
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June 6th, 2011 1:05am

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